Can not catch a break.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
I have not even came close to putting a gobbler on the ground. Saturday was a little better than the rest of the season. Finally Sunday morning get a longbeard by himself in a field strutting and gobbling right after daylight. He was then literally chased away by four deer. This was on a farm that almost any other time I would have been thrilled to even see a deer. I sneak off for a while today. I go to a blind I have left out that I mostly deer hunt out off. I put out the decoys and get set down. I look and the time is 11:29. Probably by 11:40 I have one gobbling. He keeps getting closer. Its pretty thick there but he wouldn't have had to come a whole lot farther. Then nothing. I wait and nothing. I finally see two or three horses come across up on the hill in front of me :mad: I guess the riders didn't see all the posted signs :mad: I never got a chance to see who it was. I need to start caring a rabbits foot with me or something. I keep getting screwed by things I can't control. Just needed to vent a little.
Yea man thats tough there. Keep after em man hopefully you will have you a big gobbler down soon. Good luck
Getting close several times in a row is a great indicator it won't be long before you are toting one out. Keep your head up.
I would have popped off a shot and scared the horses. I bet they would not be back after that. :cool: