Can someone explain this??

Roost 1

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Anywher and everywhere
I got 2 IR cams on a foodplot as you can see in picture both cams are taking pics of different deer at same time.. How is it lit up like this? Cams are 70 yds apart both infrared.
well both are IR, so camera 1 picks up the light from its own flash and from the other one as well since it's the same frequency of light.
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but it's pretty cool that you had two cams fire off simultaneously on two separate deer like that. I believe the closer cam is just picking up the IR flash and the illuminated target from the farther cam. Are all of your night images that bright and washed out? I'm thinking you should be able to see more detail on that closer deer.
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..
Roost 1 said:
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..

The cams are both IR. The rear cam is flashing IR waves. The front cam has a sensor that is built to read these waves. That's about all there is to it lol

Awesome pic btw. Pretty lucky timing.
Master Chief said:
Roost 1 said:
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..

The cams are both IR. The rear cam is flashing IR waves. The front cam has a sensor that is built to read these waves. That's about all there is to it lol

Awesome pic btw. Pretty lucky timing.

Thanks now I can understand..... I thought it was pretty cool too... Hope people on here enjoy pics and excuse my ignorance.
Roost 1 said:
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..

To answer the second part of your question-

I'm not 100% sure of this so hopefully someone else can confirm it, but I don't believe deer can see the IR waves that are being emitted from the camera flash. However, if it's a red IR camera then they can absolutely see the red lights on the camera itself when they come on just like you and I can. Sometimes they will spook if they see the red lights and sometimes they just won't come back to that spot after they've seen the red lights. Sometimes they see the red lights and don't seem to care. With the newer black flash IR technology you don't have to worry about them seeing the red lights at night.
Roost 1 said:
Master Chief said:
Roost 1 said:
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..

The cams are both IR. The rear cam is flashing IR waves. The front cam has a sensor that is built to read these waves. That's about all there is to it lol

Awesome pic btw. Pretty lucky timing.

Thanks now I can understand..... I thought it was pretty cool too... Hope people on here enjoy pics and excuse my ignorance.
Dont worry about it and that is a really cool pic.
Roost 1 said:
This is a pic of a pic that's why image quality is poor..... Just wondering how cam picks up the light we can't see with our eyes and wondering can deer see that light? I just find it very interesting. Have had cams set like this for a month and this is only pic like this..

That is a truly cool event to have caught on camera!

Digital imagers can be built to pick up frequencies of light that are outside the range of the light receptors in our eyes (infra-red and ultraviolet). In fact, most pocket digital cameras and video recorders can pick up light slightly beyond our visual range (you can literally "see in the dark" by looking through the viewscreen of many video cameras).

But if your trail-cameras are marketed as "IR" instead of "black," then their flash does produce some infra-red light (outside our visual range) but mostly produces visible red light (the red glow that can be seen when the unit triggers in the dark). The digital imager is using primarily the red light to illuminated and record the image at night. Both humans and deer can see this red light. Some deer don't mind it, but most deer, and especially older deer, will learn to avoid IR ("red-glow") cameras over time.

The only way to have a flash that neither humans or deer can see is to buy one of the "black" trail-cameras that produce only invisible infra-red light from the flash. However, these "black" cameras are more expensive, and the pictures of lower quality, because it is so hard to build a digital imager expressly to image with ONLY infra-red light.
another cool thing about the phot is that the deer have the same pose.....I'd send it in to a contest for sure....those flashes had to be timed to the exact same instant
First one is your camera, second is someone spotlighting the back deer....

I kid, I kid....Awesome Picture