Can't see thru my peep.........


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score
West Tennessee
Ok, I'm 46 and my eyes have taken on a mind of their own.
I'm having a terrible time seeing through my peep sight.
I'll wear my reading glasses while practicing and that makes the pins sharper and works great.....on a white foam target against green grass while the sun is bright
In the woods, lowlight conditions and brown deer against brown ain't happening, they (the deer) just disappear when I look through the peep.
I'm thinking about doing away with the peep and going with a kisser button.
Anyone have any input?
Scott61 said:
Contacts ! I'm 48 with astigmatism and wear contact lenses . I wouldn't go back to glasses if I were paid to.

Ditto Scott. But im 37 :D

I have went to a single pin dial sight. I had problems with my pins blurring together.

I love the HHA i went to. The only draw back is when im shooting 3D. If your off by a yrd or two with a dial sight in 3D. It will bite ya in the butt. As for shooting multi pins the results arent that bad. But you still got to guess your yardage. ;)
I've had my eyes checked and the eye doc said I didn't need a prescription set of glasses.
I was using the magnifying readers and she said that's all I need.
I was just using the readers to clear up the sights a bit.
BigCountry, explain the HHA.
They have a couple of different models.

There is a set-up tape already on the sight. You can sight in for out to 40yrds or 60yrds.

You start at shooting at 20yrd. Whatever number that is on your dial mark it. Then go out to 40 or 60 yrds. Once you get it on at that yardage. Take the 20yrd number and subtract it from the 40 or 60yrd number.

There is a conversion chart and set of tapes to give you the right one you need. lay this tape on the dial and your ready to go. all you have to do is range then turn the dial to the yardage and shoot.

It sounds tough. But you can have it set up and shooting in under 10 minutes.

Here are some links to the sights and how to set them up. ... _chart.pdf
I always had to use a bigger hole in my peep because of my glasses. maybe your peep hole is too small.

A few years ago I was mailed a string peep the was shaped like a rear V-sight on a rifle for low light conditions. since I shoot traditional I didnt pay much attention to it or checked to see if they are being sold now. has someone had any experience with those? I think I still have it in a junk box somewhere.
i use to drill mine out,the smaller peep was bad about holding water & its hard to blow out when your at full draw wanting to shoot something :) ,mike243
I went to a bigger peep and added a sight light with 4 levels of brightness.
WTM said:
i use a kisser, got tired of seeing only part of the deer with a peep.
What he said. I hate peep sights. My eyes went south when I was around 23 or 24 and I had to get glasses. They suck trying to bow hunt and play softball so I went to contacts and haven't looked back and I'll be 36 Sunday. One of these years I'm going to get the lasik done.
the best thing i ever installed on my bow was "no peep" I lost 80% of my shooting eye in a stupid work accident and even though 90% of my sight came back i had a terrible time focusing through the peep. I installed a no peep and have no problem now. And the one pin HHA adjustable is the only sight to have... Sorry guys i know i am bias but I have missed a ton of deer and those two additions turned everything around
Hey BT, I read the write up in your other post.
Thanks for the great info. I shot one pin on my bow for years because I was adamant about passing on shots that weren't within my range. Never missed. I know that's a bold statement but seriously, I went for years and never missed a deer with a bow.
Fast foward a few years and I bought a Matthews so I'd have a few extra yards for hunting in mature timber.
Well my eyesight went south shortly thereafter. It's been really frustrating having a bow that outshoots my eyes.

Thanks for all the input guys. Haven't been able to get on the computer much lately. That should change. My Dad has been in the hospital for a couple of months and is coming home today!
I'm gonna set up a kisser button on one string and try the no peep on another.
I'll try to do a comparison and I'll get back to ya'll with my impressions.
Maybe it'll help someone else with "aging eyes"!!
Thanks again Browtines.