Carbon Express Maxima


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
Maury Co
I buy the Carbon Express Maxima's with the 2" blazers.
My bow shoots them great,and I have confidence in them, which probably helps .


BPS sells the same arrows for less money under the Red Head brand.

I wonder what difference if any is there between the two?

Does anyone know enough about arrows to be able to tell the difference? Less carbon, more filler? Or did I pay more just not to have them in a Red Head box?

bobthebowhunter said:
Is C/E making arrows for BPS?

it has a Red head lable on the end of the box.

BPS also sells the CE, withour the red head lable,at a lower price.
I don't think I would know the difference,but I paid more for the CE brand.

I'm thinking the found some way to cheapen the product to lower the cost,selling under the red head brand.
Go with the Red Head Maxx arrows. I used to get them when they would put them on sale. Very comparable to the Maxima.
Considering what is invested in a bow and bow hunting, why cheap out on the arrow?

I'm broke either way.
LCU said:
Considering what is invested in a bow and bow hunting, why cheap out on the arrow?

I'm broke either way.

If the arrow shoots the same why does it matter?
My gold Tip XT's shoot just as good as any arrow Ive ever shot.

CE maximas and easton epics and axis's

Ive never had one break in a deer and I get plenty of penetration with my XT's.
Buckblaster said:
LCU said:
Considering what is invested in a bow and bow hunting, why cheap out on the arrow?

I'm broke either way.

If the arrow shoots the same why does it matter?
My gold Tip XT's shoot just as good as any arrow Ive ever shot.

CE maximas and easton epics and axis's

Ive never had one break in a deer and I get plenty of penetration with my XT's.

x2 on the XT's. I have found no reason to try anything else.
Me shooting eastons don't shoot as well as CE arrows. None break,but I think the CE's fly better.

No idea why.