It's a Lodge made after 1992.
I have an electrolysis tank for removing rust. Soaking in white vinegar and scrubbing with a Scotch brand scrubbie pad works as well, just takes longer.
Most experts will tell you to never us a wire wheel or abrasive tool to remove rust, especially a brass wheel, unless you want a permanently bronze looking skillet. This particular skillet has little value, so no big deal.
To avoid flash rust after cleaning, ALWAYS rinse in cold water and immediately spray the entire surface with PAM or generic cooking spray. Then wipe clean and dry with a cloth rag. Slap that into a 450-500 degree oven for an hour then cut off the oven and let it remain until completely cooled. After the first go round of seasoning, heat it up on the stove eye and cover in crisco, wipe it until it looks completely dry and throw it back in a 450-500 degree oven. I normally go no more than three rounds of seasoning, depending on how it looks.
If you really want to season it up after that, start baking cornbread in it. That will blacken up a skillet pretty fast.
Good luck