cat whiskers?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Oneida, Gods Country
I have some cat whiskers on my blackhawk. Well I shot some saturday and before I put it up, I noticed the bottom cat whisker is lose and just there. So I just cut it off! It was sliding up and down the string anyway. Does anyone know if this will hurt the way the bow shoots? I actually have read all the post on some websites about how easy it is too fix them, but i just dont know if it is that easy.
I catwhiskers for years, and they are great silencers , but seem to come off and move around unless they are tied on properly . They are also heavy and slow down the string more than other types of silencers.
I'd recommend taking them off and installing a STS . It will be just as quiet while increasing the string speed.
Scott61 said:
I catwhiskers for years, and they are great silencers , but seem to come off and move around unless they are tied on properly . They are also heavy and slow down the string more than other types of silencers.
I'd recommend taking them off and installing a STS . It will be just as quiet while increasing the string speed.

Well I have a parker blackhawk. It actually has a STS system on it and also has a cable guard dampener on it also. So just take the top one off then and leave it be? If thats the case, no problem.

Scott61, I seen that you changed your name. Kudos, I agree its alot easier to just go by your name than a nickname I think. Hope all is well!!
thanks for the re-assurance. I was gonna try to put it back on but that doesnt seem so easy. I was also gonna get in my tackle box and see what I had, but Once again, doesnt look so easy. So thanks for the advice
I leave off my string leaches with the STS because they tend to break off easier with the STS installed , due to the sudden string stop.
you know, I was thinking that was the problem with it. I was sitting around looking at it, trying to figure out what caused it. Well its the bottom whisker, and thats the one that is closest to the STS. I think putting new ones on would just be a winless battle! Im sure it helped having them some, but with the cable dampener and the sts. I think that kind of null and voids the whiskers making a big difference.
dmitchell28 said:
you know, I was thinking that was the problem with it. I was sitting around looking at it, trying to figure out what caused it. Well its the bottom whisker, and thats the one that is closest to the STS. I think putting new ones on would just be a winless battle! Im sure it helped having them some, but with the cable dampener and the sts. I think that kind of null and voids the whiskers making a big difference.

Let us know how it works out . You shouldn't notice much of a difference.
well, I finally took the last cat whisker off today. Well I was shooting and it finally flew apart. I shot for about 20 more minutes and I have to say, the little whiskers made a big difference even with the full STS system. I could tell a bit difference in sound. I thought with the sts it wouldnt matter having the whiskers on there but i guess I was wrong. I will def. put some on before season starts.
I'm sure they help , but sometimes different silencers cause a different sound pitch to the human ear, but might not be any louder. If you do put them back on , have a dealer tie them on with string serving , making those pretty puff balls that stay on better than they do by tying the silencers to the string.
yeah I will definately have them tied in with serving string, these just seemed to come lose and starting hitting me in the face everytime I shot or peices flew off.
Since the sts and other string suppresors have caught on, I don't see the need for any type of strin silencer. Limb savers on the limbs may not be a bad idea for some bows.