The following is from the TWRA Catoosa WMA manager.
There have been two major changes to the regulations for Catoosa WMA.
First, all bucks now count toward statewide bag limit. This change was made to reduce the amount of younger age class bucks in the harvest. Currently, around 60% of harvested bucks are 2.5yrs and younger. Allowing bonus bucks alters hunter selectivity and increases the number of younger age class bucks in the harvest. As a result of removing bonus bucks, we expect to see an increase in the number of older age class bucks in the harvest. By reducing the amount of younger age class bucks in the harvest, we will have more bucks grow to maturity and will provide a great opportunity to harvest a large, older age class buck. As always, data will be collected at the check stations to validate the change. We will use this data to revaluate prior to the next regulation change period.
Second, we have included a bear season to the open 9 day archery hunt. This will provide hunters the opportunity to harvest a bear, without the use of dogs, while participating in the open archery hunt on Catoosa WMA. Hunters will only be allowed 1 bear, and it may be taken with any weapon legal for the deer archery season. The harvest regulations are the same as the state harvest restrictions. No sows with Cubs. And no bears under 75lbs. As always, the harvested animal must be taken to the nearest check station to be checked out and have data collected.
We also added language clarifying the need for transportation tags. All hunters should use the paper transportation tags to physically tag their harvest prior to moving it. All harvested big game at Catoosa WMA must be checked out at one of the two physical check stations when they are in operation.