Caveat Emptor! Let the Buyer Beware!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
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At a recent shoot when things were winding down for the day I was asked by someone who I have spent a lot time helping, to assist a couple of archers with some form and equipment issues they were having and I was happy to oblige.

This is another situation that we must change the names of the clueless: For our story we'll call these two Mary and Terry.

Mary and Terry have top notch equipment to shoot with and at times shoot really well! They are above average in their interest level and dedication to improving their shooting skills!
Their commitment is deep enough that they recently visited with an archery coach that they had heard ​good things ​about! The archery coach will remain anonymous, but I will henceforth refer to him as Coach Dufus.

Coach Dufus charged Mary and Terry $800.00 for two days training and they have been trying for several months to get that 2nd days training to no avail! From what I was told Coach Dufus was quite smitten with Mary and all but ignored Terry!

After spending a few minutes with Mary and Terry it was easy for me to spot a few key issues with their form and equipment!

Both Mary and Terry need to adjust their draw length shorter​.
Both Mary and Terry need to shoot with a bow sling.
Both Mary and Terry are command firing their hinge releases in a super static dead mode!
Both Mary and Terry's d-loop is so short that when they come to anchor it twists the arrow on the rest, and this equals torque!

These are just a few of the things I noticed in the short time I spent with them and they seemed impressed with my suggestions and want to get together again!

My observation about what they learned from Coach Dufus, is that they got ripped off in a big way! I have known of other such cases involving Coach Dufus!

What coach would teach an archer to shoot without a bow sling? Or to command fire a hinge, which is counterintuitive to it's very design!

Shame on Coach Dufus for not catching the too long a draw length issues that Mary and Terry both readily demonstrate and the other issues! Shame on you Coach Dufus! Shame on the bow shop that set these bows up on the wrong draw length!!! Kudos to the shooters for finally realizing that something wasn't quite right with their gear, form, and looking for answers!

Once again we must embrace, "Caveat Emptor" Let the buyer beware! It also helps to have a good BS detector meter! How do you get a good BS detector meter you might ask? A healthy dose of experience mixed with age, critical thinking, analytical observation, and a dash of skepticism along with a room temperature IQ usually gets you the start of a good BS detector meter! My kids say I have best they have ever see​n.

Just remember that because someone works behind the counter in your local bow shop doesn't mean that they are "all that and a bag of chips" as the saying goes! I am big believer in supporting a local bow shop when I can! The local bow shop in my area is a bait shop that sells archery equipment, that's why I drive 75 miles to the bow shop I do business with!

The more you know and learn to do for yourself will allow you to keep more of your own dollars in your pocket! Hopefully along the way you will develop good filters to avoid buying into junk products, bad ideas, and sham artists! Learn to do your research in archery as you would buying a car or anything else that you can apply comparative analysis!

Learn who's advice that you can really trust!

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