Cell cam

I've got 3 of the Sonic cameras. They're awesome as long as there's cellular signal, or course.
They're addicting, be warned.
Spy point avoid. I run 2 bushnell cellucores and i like them and the app. Also have 5 tactacams and so far so good. Good app good pictures. I would recommend either. Don't know if it matters but I run all of them on Verizon. I started running tactacams because the plans are a little cheaper and I'm running several. I have both the bushnell and tactacams in decent to bad service areas and they are doing good. If money was no issue I'd run reconyx or Spartans. But I haven't hit the lottery. I run regular browning cameras and love them but the few people I know running their cells says the app and prices aren't the best but I haven't researched those that much. But I love their regular cameras.
I have tactacams and Spartans. I prefer the Spartans but they were 4x the cost. Now the Spartan cost has come down so I would probably get a Spartan at 2x the cost.
I have 7 tactacams reveals (1 x, one xb and 5 reveal x 2nd gens)

I also have to muddy manifest 2- 69.00 each and came with batteries and sd card and free shopping (midway usa closeout)

Tactacams are very solid cams but im very imoressed with the muddys. Tactacams take better night pics.