Cheatam WMA


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Wartburg, TN (Morgan Co)
My son has a 4H BB competition shooting in Jackson TN Saturday. It is a 4.5 hour drive away for us. I was looking at going to Cheatam WMA on Saturday evening and maybe spend the night just to turkey hunt there on Sunday Morning, just for something different.

Can anyone give me any advice, is it full of hunters like Catoosa WMA? is it worth my time?

Is there any designated camp grounds? son just turned 10 and missed his 1st turkey last week :bash: , now he is hooked!!! :party:

If you don't want to post a reply you can pm me.

There is an area where people park their campers and have fires, near the headquarters station.

There are turkey there, but I wouldn't personally try hunting there on a weekend again. I went several times last year, and I always had other hunters walk in right on me or way too close for comfort. They either didn't understand or just unrespectful and didn't care. Any of the small fields will have about 3 or 4 people trying to squeeze in, even if you are the first one there. Rediculous...

I did go one weekday morning last spring, and I only saw 2 other hunters vehicles... That was much more enjoyable, but the birds have a lot of pressure and avoided my mediocre calling. Ha!

Terrain is steep, yes!
I hunted last week Monday-Thurs in Tenn from Ohio me and a friend went to Cheatham last Monday just to check it out there were hunters every where this was Monday around noon and they were checking a bird in at ranger station that bird was #30 it looked like a flea market going on people, cars, trucks, campers, tents very busy.
Just like Randy 1974 said
Cheatham is nuts
Hunters are running out of private land to hunt and the public land is over run