Cheatham WMA


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Middle TN
Has anyone hunted for turkey there? If so is it any good?
I have deer hunted there in the past but I wasn't sure how it was for turkey hunting.
Not familiar with it, but there have been 67 birds checked in so far this spring according to the harvest report. For a WMA, that's pretty good.

It does look like though that there are a lot of jakes on it, because 27 of the 67 birds killed have been jakes. That's a high percentage.
I have only deer hunted but talked to the twra there and turkey hunting is what they are proud of and want to be reconized for. There food plots and all aspects of hunting are based around the turkey not the deer. I would like to go but it is just to far to drive for a bird, if you want to make a weekend of it hunt there saturday then hunt the fort on sunday only about 30 away from each other if I remember right, Good luck and let me know if you get to go!
I have hunted it an thier are alot of birds but i have found out that opening weekend is the time to be thier and if you go take the first road past the checking station to the right an go all the way back you have to walk but its worth it atleast you dont have stupid people driveing in on you while working a big LB.
Thanks for all the input...I will have to give it a try. I will keep you posted if I have any luck.
Good place to turkey hunt
With it so late in the season the birds will be tough
Cheatham has gone to statewide season this year and has
been hunted hard from day one. Give it a shot but beware of
all the hunters
I hunted there last twice this year and saw birds. Great place to hunt, Lawrence is very correct on it being tough the birds have been called to alllllll season and they are hard to work but still a great place to hunt oh yea I said that once :D