Wanted to show off my brother's first turkey that he killed 12 years ago when he was 11
Check out the multiple spurs
He has killed many turkeys since then but it will be hard to top this one
Great job. A thought just came to mind If we get a gobbler with more then one spur ........ do we add the lengths together, not unlike we do with beards? It may happen good question for Grizz.
Great job. A thought just came to mind If we get a gobbler with more then one spur ........ do we add the lengths together, not unlike we do with beards? It may happen good question for Grizz.
Yep. Under the NWTF scoring, it's the total spur length x 10. So the rare multi-spurred gobblers add up quick. I've seen one killed. They don't show up very often.