Choke size vs. Shot size


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
I shoot a .675 kicks gobbling thunder what is the best shot size for this constriction ? I shot a hevi magnum blend 4,5,6 last year but not sure its the right size and as expensive as hevi shot is sure like to get a few veteran/experts advice. :)
i get real good numbers with 670 with magblends i would try #5 if i wasnt satisfied with the blends or i would get a pure gold 670 choke and polish the barell and shoot the magblends they are a good shell
What gun are you shooting from? A .670 in an 870 is different than a. 670 in.a mossberg 835...
Rockhound said:
What gun are you shooting from? A .670 in an 870 is different than a. 670 in.a mossberg 835...

What Rock said. On average the bigger the shot the more open it likes but that is not always the case. Really need to know you gun for starters.
If you have a clean pattern to 60 with your current set up why are you wanting to change? Especially if you are getting that with 3".

While I don't recommend to anyone shots that far I hope you atleast have patterned the gun to that distance to see the numbers and overall shot of it that far.
I pattern my gun at 40 yds. last year shooting a jelly head .680 and it shot good. I had bought a Kicks GT .675 and 3 boxes of hevi 13 magnum blend and it pattern much better but after reading more about the Kicks chokes and it not being recommended to shoot hevi through it, I switched to the jelly head. I really wanted to shoot the GT but was concerned about the manufacturer warning. Now shooting turkey out at 60 yrds. is not something I do every time I go hunting but happen to get a clear shot on a road bed last season and ranged it at that distance and was confident i could make that shot. I've been hunting a long time and know what shot to take or not and Lord knows killed my share of turkey. Just needed some advice on the Kicks choke and Hevi shot being shot through it.
to be clear i am not questioning your ethics or ability just putting it out there so people will know that is more then a "poke" and should not be something you are actively trying to achieve is all.

As far as Kicks and hevi you should have no issues, i know tons of guys that shoot them together.

If it is patterning well at 40 id go with it for sure, although if you can find a Star Dot choke for your mossberg that seems to the be golden goose for that gun.
Good advise above. There are so many variables now days with gun/chock/load options. Best advise... Shoot your gun at a 10 inch cicle at 40 yards with as many variations as you can afford. This is the same method that Nitro Company (Cheack out their website) uses to test their loads. I have shot Nitro Company loads for the past 5 years. Amazing results, but I have found that it is extremely hard to beat hevi-shot #6's in a 2oz load for the money. I shoot a Mossberg 835 Grandslam with a cheap non-ported hastings chock at .675, and I get an average of 225 hits in a 10 inch cicle at 40 yds with Hevi-shot 3 inch 6 shot in 2 oz. When using Nitro Company (tri-plex loads, I get 250 averge hits in 10 inches. Nitro company is 2x as much per shotshell.
Another point to consider... Although my gun will shoot 3.5" shells, I shoot 3". A 3" shell will shoot flatter at 40-60 yards than a 3.5" due to the added pellet count to powder charge ratio.
Or we could all just call that turkey into 25 yards and kill him with a factory choke and El cheapo shot shells.

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