Choke tubes and Turkey loads

Big Tom

Mar 8, 2014
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I purchased a Remington 870 super magnum 12 gauge last fall after selling my 870 express and need feedback as to what would be the best turkey load and choke tube for this model of gun. I purchased some 3.5" nitros. I have the primo tight wad and the Carlsons xx turkey choke tube. I think one of them is .665 and the other is .660. I know I could go out and shoot and see what works best. I just thought someone out there might have the same gun and could save me some time and money. If any tips or wisdom could be shared it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to all.
I have 2 remingtons, one a SPST Turkey the other Super Mag, I also have a SX3 NWTF. I shoot .665 in all of them using #5 shot. I have only used one shell since 1992 and that is the Winchester supreme High Velocity in a #5 shot, I have 8 boxes of them. All of my guns shoot exceptional patterns with HV #5 shot. I patterned my SX3 a few days ago using Winchester Long Beards #5 shot. The pattern at 40 yards was so tight I will not hunt with it. I will wait till I run out of supreme HV shells, then I will buy a more open choke and hunt the Long Beards. I have never seen tighter lead patterns than long beard #5. If I were you I would use that .665 choke you have, All of mine are briley but yours should work fine, and I would get a box of Long Beards #5 shot. I patterned both 3" and 3 1/2" both will work well and the patterns of the 2 were not off by much. If you decide the pattern with a .665 is too tight you can always get a more open choke. Good Luck. Post your findings here, it would be interesting, regardless of choke and shell you chose.
Well I finally made it home in time to use both choke tubes and like one of you told me the primos tight wad .660 had a great pattern and was very pleased with the #5s Remington nitro 3.5". I'll try to post some photos of both results sometime tomorrow. Thanks to all who shared there wisdom on this matter. hope to tag a nice Tennessee Tom this spring.
Thanks for sharing the post Gravey. I did shoot a .665 Carlson at twenty and it was pretty tight. I then shot the tight wad .660 at twenty yard and it shot left. So I moved to 30 and counted up the bb's and found 60 in the neck and head. Maybe I should try to move to 30 with the .665. To funny I have the same targets. I may buy a box of long beards to see how they compare.

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