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chuck swan quota hunt


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
Drew chuck swan turkey hunt, have never been there. Will only get one afternoon to scout before hunt.
New to hunting in general.
Need advice on how to approach hunting chuck swan.
Not trying to take anyones favorite spots but just want general advice
Do hunters generally go deep inland? Do hunters tend to drive to the far end and work back? Do hunters focus on the clearings/food plots?
What are the more common hunted areas?
It has been a LONG time cents I hunted Chuck swan but to the best of my memory there are a lot of open mature hard woods I would get as far off the main road as I could and hope to her one gobble
There is only one thing to know, there are birds literally everywhere. Just find a turn out, or road and let the birds tell you where to be. Finding birds isn't hard, knowing what to do when you find them is the part which could be a challenge.
I have a late hunt at Chuck swan myself, end of April I think it is. Im sure they will have had every call that Wal mart sells thrown out to them by then, should be interesting for sure! Good luck as well.

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