I've been doing a lot of hunting inside the city limits in Clarksville the last couple of years.
I have a relative whose neighborhood is all 1 acre yards. Deer move through the neighborhood from the river by way of powerline cuts.
I set up my climber next to the cut. When the trees are down I am actually at eye level with house windows.
Each deer has only run a max of 30yds, all stay inside the heavy brush of the cut. EXCEPT, a huge doe that took a double lung and hauled. She went through the relatives yard, across the wooded back yard of the next house, jumped a ravine and crashed in the middle of the backyard of the next house. Right behind his deck. Totalled about 100yds.
It was still very early, so I just went ahead and snagged her, leaving only a puddle of blood. You have to take into account that you can't field dress them in the yard, so you are having to load live weight into the truck.
Not one single neighbors has any idea of how many deer have been taken, but they all seem to notice how their trees and shrubs are doing so much better.