cold shot week2

HA !! nice little twist, but find it hard to think you would miss, let me take a quik shot & get back to you...

Well, 14 steps back kneeling, shot (?) 6 inches high & (?) 2 inches left.

Since we started high & left seems to be a ongoing thing with me, beginning to get a clue as to maybe why, I'm eyeball'n my target but noticed I didnt come to full draw or secure to the anchor point, need to slow down & think about my shoot'n.

The bow I'm use'n is kind of new to me, both new & old are bear grizzlys, old one is 50# new one is 55#, another difference is the new one has a custom string thats thicker, had thoughts on get my old one out to see I'm just out of practice or those little differences has made a difference, maybe.

But stand'n a chance to learn something either way, fun stuff.
Are you using the same arrows for both bows? Is so the nocks will be tighter on the thicker string. That may have something to do with it.
Yep, same arrows & field points, guess its just me being out of practice & a different bow.

Monday's cold shot, (?) 7" high and 3" right.

After my cold shot I took 2 more just for practice, #1 was a few inches high & slightly left, #2 was less than 2" of perfect dead center of where I wanted it to go.

Did make a point to take a couple extra seconds to think my way thru the shot sequence of draw, anchor, release, but after a mental review I didnt focus on the target like I think was needed.

But it seems thers a bit of improvement.( think I'll gloat on that part..)
I didn't take a cold shot today. I had gotten some blem GT trad carbons in and test shot them against my black shafts. The camoed carbon shafts will generally weigh more than the black shaft by 1 to 1-1/2 gpi due to the camo coating. There is a 30 grain difference in weight between my black shafts and the new wood grain shaft. As I suspected they grouped together.
i am sure no one doubts you, i dont. i shot really good for a a newbie one day and the next couldnt hit a 5 foot bail of hay lol
southernhunter said:
i am sure no one doubts you, i dont. i shot really good for a a newbie one day and the next couldnt hit a 5 foot bail of hay lol

don't let that bother you. happens to all of us whether we admit it or not. :D
if you do that the first one or two shots, stop and think your way through your shooting form and try again. if you continue to shoot bad, stop for the day or wait a couple of hours and try again. don't continue shooting bad, creates bad habits.