HA !! nice little twist, but find it hard to think you would miss, let me take a quik shot & get back to you...
Well, 14 steps back kneeling, shot (?) 6 inches high & (?) 2 inches left.
Since we started high & left seems to be a ongoing thing with me, beginning to get a clue as to maybe why, I'm eyeball'n my target but noticed I didnt come to full draw or secure to the anchor point, need to slow down & think about my shoot'n.
The bow I'm use'n is kind of new to me, both new & old are bear grizzlys, old one is 50# new one is 55#, another difference is the new one has a custom string thats thicker, had thoughts on get my old one out to see I'm just out of practice or those little differences has made a difference, maybe.
But stand'n a chance to learn something either way, fun stuff.