Cold weather turkey hunting

Mr. Hawk

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Putnam co
I don't think I have ever hunted turkeys when the forecast is below freezing. What is everyone's experience with Turkey behavior with temps that are forecasted below freezing in the next couple of nights?
Only done it a time or two, but both were very good experiences with lots of gobbling. Don't bother turkeys at al.
It bothers hunters more than turkeys I know that. Just remember wear a couple extra layers like it's deer season or you'll regret it, you can remove layers later when it warms up. My hands almost froze this morning when I had a tom and 3 hens slip by me and I had to hold the gun for a while

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Seems like their is always lots of gobbling on cold mornings
Do it a lot on the plateau. I've actually had really good luck in the low 30's. Mid 20's seems to slow them way down for me though.

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only day I haven't heard a single gobble the entire day was about 8 or 9 years ago when it was 18 degrees and spitting snow.

upper 20's is not a problem, they'll be gobbling just fine. and Hunt 365 is right, they will hit the sunny sides of fields to warm up early in the mornings. Their dark feathers capture and generate a lot of radiant heat.

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