Hunted hard on opening day but it didn't pan out. We got on top of the ridge early this morning to locate the birds.We heard 4 different gobblers on 2 different ridges.We split up to see what we could make happening. My oldest boy went to the other ridge and those gobblers where hammering down over there. I'm trying to get my younger son on his first bird. The 2 gobblers that was on the ridge We where on was with a group of hens I just couldn't get them to come off them. They went down the hill towards the other group of birds. We eased down the side of the hill in the woods slowly to watch my oldest son work those birds on the other side. He had 2 Toms coming at him and buzzards started dive bombing them. There was a dead cow in the field so there was about twenty buzzards around. Those two gobblers ran in the woods at the bottom of the hill below me. The hens walked past me at about forty yards and then I seen that red head coming behind them. I hammered him and he never moved. Then I see another gobbler coming along the same way he came so me and my younger son got about 10 yards closer putting us at about 30 yards. I got my son set up to make his first ever shot on a turkey. He shot high over the bird and missed but we had a great time. 10.5 inch beard 1 inch spur and 23.5 pounds
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