Cornbread again


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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So the last two times I have made cornbread it didn't get done in the middle before the outside was overdone.
The only thing I changed from previous times was I went from yellow corn meal to white.
Would that make a difference?

Cooking it on 425 as always.
sounds like over heating the pan if you are preheating it. i only preheat my pan the amount of time it takes to make the batter.
You might be overfilling the skillet. Pones that are very thick tend to do that. I only fill my skillet about half full and cook on 450 and it works pretty well.
Are you sure your oven is in sync with the temperature you set it at? I just had to re-adjust mine almost 20 degrees.
I think you put in to much batter. Preheat skillet dump in batter, if there Is a crown in the middle its to much batter and that crown in the middle will take longer while the edges cook to much. Preheating is good but it also starts to fry the corn bread batter when you put it in. and yes check your oven temps with another thermometer.

I always use white lilly cornmeal, salt egg buttermilk and some cooking oil. preheated skillet with 2tblsps of cooking oil. that's it.
WTM":2uyh5r7s said:
sounds like over heating the pan if you are preheating it. i only preheat my pan the amount of time it takes to make the batter.

Guess this was it, turned out like normal last night.
We have decided we like the yellow meal better than white though, just has a different texture and better flavor in our opinion.
RUGER":1odu4hy9 said:
WTM":1odu4hy9 said:
sounds like over heating the pan if you are preheating it. i only preheat my pan the amount of time it takes to make the batter.

Guess this was it, turned out like normal last night.
We have decided we like the yellow meal better than white though, just has a different texture and better flavor in our opinion.

man, you guys sure like cornbread lol.
Lol yep we have veggies and cornbread about 3 times a week

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Finally figured out what my problem was.
The cornbread was "done" but was like, "thick" in the middle.

I was putting too much buttermilk and was making my batter too thin.

Thickened it up a bit last night and nailed it again. :D

Life is good.