coustom pot calls..


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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Who makes them on here and how much do you usually charge? Post pictures if you have them.
Grizzly had a thread on here at one time that had several pictures on it.
I will see if I can find it.
i think the ones grizzly got were not from people on here but from old gobbler and i know he didnt make them.

Old gobbler has an entire thread to custom calls so you can check that one out as well.
I don't know of anyone on here that makes them to sell. There may be some and I just don't know it. I know Stoner makes some awesome looking calls & I would love to try one of them out but I don't reckon he sells them. I really like the Lights Out Aluminum I bought this year.
I have a buddy that makes them up in Ky. I think they run about 35.00 each. Here's his website..
i Really like the one you have in the 2nd thread it looks sweet.
are they really worth the money and do they sound better than regular calls? i have a primos slate that i like but wouldnt mind having a good coustom call
rem.30-06 said:
i Really like the one you have in the 2nd thread it looks sweet.
are they really worth the money and do they sound better than regular calls? i have a primos slate that i like but wouldnt mind having a good coustom call

Whether they are worth it is up to you. Every call maker I know and have dealt with wouldn't put out a call with their name on it if it didn't sound worth using.... that's just how they do business.

Production calls are mass produced.... quality will vary to a degree.... plus you will have the same call several hundred other hunters in your area may have and be using.

A custom call is handmade with pride and also in the USA. Custom calls help continue a tradition of the sport. They also have a collectible quality that you can pass on to say your son, daughter, or other loved one if they take up turkey hunting too.

They may cost a little, to quite a bit more, depending on the wood and materials they are made from..... I can tell you one thing, I won't ever buy another production call for myself from here on out..... it will be a custom call for me!

Good luck with your decision, feel free to PM me if I can help you any further.
could not have said it better myself griz! i love the lights out call i got and have used it all season. Will they help you kill more birds? maybe maybe not.

i just like the look and sound, as they always have a bit more personality to them and IMO are a bit more reliable. not to mention i like being unique by adding something to my bag that very few others if any in my area will have.
I have been tinkering with the idea of making my own calls. I've been building pre-cut calls for a couple of months now and I'm not addicted.

Although it isn't a true "custom" call, I could build you one for a pretty good price. I just finished a walnut double-side pot with a ceramic striking surface and slate on the bottom. Awesome call!

I also have been experimenting with two-piece strikers and have found some real winners. I can get you about any combination you want.
Here are a few I've put together:

Top left: 3.25" Copper over slate in osage orange pot
Top right: 3" Slate over glass in lacewood pot
Bottom left: 3.42" Ceramic over slate in walnut pot
Bottom right: 2.5" Black anodized aluminum over glass in paduak pot

I'm about finished with a 3.25" black aluminum over glass in a bubinga pot that I'm excited about.



Here is a batch of strikers I put together yesterday. My favorite woods are wenge, brazillian tulipwood, black locust, and osage orange.

I've started turning my own calls on my lathe I turn pot calls and I also turn out my own one piece strikers. It is verry addictive.

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