Coyote vs turkey interaction


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
I've always heard stories and seen it myself of turkeys in a field or someone working a bird and a coyote show up and ruin the hunt by running them off.

Yesterday I was set up watching some birds in a field and caught movement that ended up being a yote. He was zig zagging through the field on a scent trail it looked like. The first initial action of the turkeys is they never once paid him no mind. I lost sight of him in the yellow tops and about 10 mins later he reappeared. The turkeys then ran about 20 yards to the edge of the woods but just stopped and let him split between them and he never paid them no mind at all. They then went about their business feeding until time to roost.

I know they come face to face almost daily I'd say so both are used to each other but when a yote does show uwhen y'all are there have y'all had your hunts ruined by them most of the time or do y'all see like I did yesterday with zero effect on the turkeys ?

I know most say once a yote shows up it turns into a yote hunt and most of the time for me as well but yesterday I had planned to let the yote live had he gotten close just to keep from spooking the birds.
I shoot them regardless but on another note of predators. I've had a few yotes ruin a hunt but mostly in the timber of East Tennessee mountains it's been bobcats. Last year I was calling back and forth with a couple of hens to draw them and the tom in and about 35 yards in front of me something exploded out from a dead tree on the ground and it was another bobcat that shredded one of the hens in a matter of seconds. Craziest thing ever I've seen in the woods. I had ZERO idea where or how that cat got so close but they have to be the stealthiest things in the woods.