Crazy! Gobbling???

Buck Assassin

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
cocke county, TN
I hunted Fri-Sun this past weekend and the gobbling was just crazy! Friday morning they hammered hard and all morning up untill 12. Saturday I moved to a different place and heard like 4 gobbles all morning long. Sunday I went back to the place I was at Friday morning and I only heard ONE bird! This is the same place just two days earlier I heard 5 or 6 different birds and 50 something gobbles!

Anyone have ideas about what happened on Sat and Sun?
My experience has been some mornings they gobble like crazy and some they do not, even though they are still there. This happens all throughout the season, just turkeys being turkeys IMO. Further more, this highly variable on/off gobbling you describe gets progressively worse (more mornings with little to no gobbling) as the season progresses in the areas I hunt (middle and west TN). They will be hot as a firecracker one day and completely silent for one or several days or vise versa, until they finally fade to basically zero gobbling at the end of season.
If someone could figure out what makes a turkey gobble like a fool one day and sit tight lipped the next, they could become a millionaire! I haven't a clue!?!