Was gonna get a quick hunt in before church this morning in my normal spot. Got up and headed out at 4:30 to realize the fog was so thick it prob wasn't worth me going and risky to get back in time for church. Decided to just go back home and instead of going back to bed I just hung out at the house for an hour then headed to a super small public spot beside my house.
I know there are birds there but they are in peoples yards 90% of the time so I never really fool with them. Drove over and parked. Waited in the truck for 10mins till it started to get light and then started to walk in it just to see if I could hear one (expectations where extremely low). I didn't make it 20yds from my truck and had 3 gobble less then 60yds from me right on the bluff of the river lol
Got within 50yds of them in the tree and sat down. At 6am I just hit a wing beat and a fly down and all three flew right down in the opening next to me right away. Shot this guy at 15yds and literally my truck was 30yds behind me. )
Crazy how god works sometimes as I had ZERO intention of going there this morning and I bet I could go every day the rest of the year there and never see them roosted there again. It was still dark and foggy when I shot him and had they not been less then 20yds I may not have even been able to see them.
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I know there are birds there but they are in peoples yards 90% of the time so I never really fool with them. Drove over and parked. Waited in the truck for 10mins till it started to get light and then started to walk in it just to see if I could hear one (expectations where extremely low). I didn't make it 20yds from my truck and had 3 gobble less then 60yds from me right on the bluff of the river lol
Got within 50yds of them in the tree and sat down. At 6am I just hit a wing beat and a fly down and all three flew right down in the opening next to me right away. Shot this guy at 15yds and literally my truck was 30yds behind me. )
Crazy how god works sometimes as I had ZERO intention of going there this morning and I bet I could go every day the rest of the year there and never see them roosted there again. It was still dark and foggy when I shot him and had they not been less then 20yds I may not have even been able to see them.

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