Crazy Kids' Request


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2002
Reaction score
Crosby, TX

Raccoon pot pie :D

Who am I to stand in the way?

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Heck yea. Sounds simple enough BBQ a coon and substitute shredded coon for Chicken in a standard Pot Pie Recipe. Might want to cut the meat ratio down to around half what you would use for Chicken though...and use the least fatty cuts there are.
Reminds me of one time when out little girl was sick and very irritable. She was crying and kept asking for some "cheese-me" we had no idea what she wanted. My wife kept asking what exactly she wanted which only made the sick kid more aggravated. Finally I just said, You want "cheese-me" I'll get it. I made a grilled-cheese sammich cut into triangles and all was well.

Yall are making memories.
This one was much larger than the last one.

I'm beginning to think that the whole "coon is greasy" is a wive's tale. I've had a couple of guys try it today for the first time and they didn't think it was greasy at all.

I pressure cooked the four quarters for the pie and pulled it. My wife baked it into the pie and the kids ate every bit. We kept the neck, spine, ribs, etc to eat separately. I see no reason not to continue trapping them and eating them. It's every bit as good as deer, nearly identical in taste and texture but slightly more moist.

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I've only eaten coon a couple of times and I don't remember it being bad. As many as I've trapped I might should try another one. Keep catching them and pretty soon you'll have enough toothpicks for everyone at the table, lol.