CRAZY. pattern pic on sled and off sled

I've never heard of it making a difference, but that's pretty convincing. What causes the affect wonder? Dampening the harmonics of the barrel or something along those lines?
Lead sled shouldn't make a difference on pellet count, I
Would say has more to do with shot to shot consistency with the shells..

My question: why are y'all's patterns never where you are aiming? Surely after trying all these different loads you have adjusted scope by now.. I wouldn't think your point of aim would be off that much just by changing shells....
I would be more interested in the pattern being centered around that dot after this much shooting... Just curious.
My site is dialed to magblends not these. I'm just doing these to test.
Also I like mine to be a tad high at 40. I know how to site in a shotgun if that's your question

Just to say another part I shot another shell on the sled again and got 184 so it seems it has something to do with it
Well hevi-13 is slow.....that's one reason I do like the Nitro's. The nitro load I shoot is 1300fps. With that being said I will be trying the LBs just because of price. I think these are awesome patterns y'all are posting with the LBs. I am wondering if its possible to use the resin technology with HTL loads or if its too
much liability due to its hardness?
Roost 1 said:
REN said:
I know how to site in a shotgun if that's your question

Wasn't my question all but that's good to know.. Just seems odd to me, because I can shoot 2 or 3 different shells interchangeably out of my guns with no poi changes...

A couple years ago I did a bunch of testing with Magblends, Hevi 6s, and Extended range 6's and 5's. My gun shot both Hevi loads to the same POI and both XR loads to a different POI. It was odd. Zeroed with XRs it would shoot both Hevi loads high and right.

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