D50IR Cameras


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2009
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union county tennessee
hi i got 3 D50IR cameras and when it glows i think it is scaring the deer a little bit. is there any way i can cover up the part that's glows red where it will still work.

The cameras takes SD memory card and i usually keep at least a 8GB card in it.

so lets here it from some pro's that builds their own cameras is there a way to cover it up?
Someone posted a link on this thread of a guy giving a Trail Cam seminar. He had tested cams at various heights and found that mounting them at about 6 feet high caused much less spooking in deer from the red glow. I am going to try that this year.
oh i got that on the front of the camera to hind from Thieves but can i just cover the whole infrared thing up. will the camera still work like it should
I sold my IR cams for this very reason.I had white flash cams out and then switched over to IR cams,and the number of deer pics I was getting dropped of dramatically..I mean it was cut in half,and of the deer pics I was getting,they was all on alert looking at it...THe deer don't even notice the white flash.I think they just think the white flash at night is lighting and don't think nothing about it.