Decreased my draw-weight


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
Well I broke my (release) hand back a couple of months ago. I didn't want to draw my bow for at least a month after the cast came off. So that day was Saturday, and the hand feels good!! I did drop the poundage from 60 to 50 which was something i was wanting to try out anyway. My plan is to slowly increase the poundage until I find where it groups the best with the arrows I'm shooting.

I havn't walk back tuned or paper tuned yet, but I'm still dead on at 20yds (after adjusting the sight) What other adjustments do yall usually have to make after decreasing poundage??
I had to re-tune my boy after dropping the poundage (10 lbs.) I am at 60 lbs now. I noticed my peep as well as the kisser was off a little. I did take and change my string and redo everything. It seem the right time to do it since I was changing my draw weight. Something to think about...
Thanks DD I changed my string last year, but I did notice that I had to pull out of my anchor point a little in order to get the peep lined up. I'll probly spend some time moving the peep, paper tuning, and walk back tuning as well.
Same here, bulging disks in my neck have made me drop from 73lbs. to 62lbs. and I love it! I can't tell much difference in speed, plus I'm so much more steady now.
i never go over 63 lbs, with as fast and accurate as todays bows are there is no reason to for hunting purposes. Mine at 63 lbs gives me 287 fps and deadly accurate out to 70 yards!
The only thing that may change would be your spine chart for your arrows. But, if you are too heavy spined on your arrows, that isnt as bad as being underspined. I would imagine you will be fine! Best of luck on the healing process!
Im in the lower poundage group too...I bought an x force last year and all I could get was a 60# bow. I love it too. Steady, can hold forever and dont feel like Im giving up any speed. Im getting all pass thrus on deer and switched to FMJs this year so penetration should be even better.