Deep Frying A Turkey for Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2011
Reaction score
Cookeville TN
It is my year to do the turkey. I went over to the Publix and got a 22lber ($.49 per pound so the thing cost me less than $12). Anyhow, my intention was to smoke it. Well the wife and father doesn't like smoked turkey so I have decided to deep fry the whole thing.

Any tips, recipes for success, or things that have worked in the past for you all?
First don't over fill the fryer with oil, you could burn down your house. Second make sure completely thawed out, ice crystals will cause the oil to pop. I use a creole butter injection marinade.
I use either creole butter or the butter jalapeño both are good and people love it. Use the whole bottle and inject multiple locations a day before frying. I than put blackened seasons on the outside before I fry it. I have also done Cajun on outside. Like stated above do not over fill fryer you can add oil after you put it in. I heat oil to 400 than put it in. The oil will drop some but I try to keep it around 350. Do not cover oil when heating or frying. Also I agree do not over cook when you take it out of oil cover with foil and let sit 15 min. Than enjoy [emoji39]

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Also if you don't have the fryer I would suggest the ones with jets. I use to use tho other and found the jet one at Lowe's and now own 4 of them and only use them.

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dralarms":2gq6hb9h said:
First don't over fill the fryer with oil, you could burn down your house. Second make sure completely thawed out, ice crystals will cause the oil to pop. I use a creole butter injection marinade.

You read my mind. I have a small family so I've just about quit much fuss with all that oil, etc. For the last couple of years I've been using a "Big Easy".
22lb is a big bird for frying.

Take the turkey and put it in the pot then fill it with water until the turkey is submerged. Take the turkey out and mark the water level. Then fill the pot to that mark to make sure you don't put too much oil in it.

My family actually doesn't like them injected. I rub the outside with spicy mustard then cover the outside with Tony Chachere's.
Most important thing to do before lowering it into the hot oil; Check the bird's cavity for ice!!