Deer in rain

I have killed a lot of deer in the rain.And then again i have hunted a lot in the rain and not seen deer. Just hope it's your lucky day .
A light rain has no effect
You hunt heavy rain for the breaks in rain. Rain stops it's like flood gates for movement
I've seen 2 good bucks this morning 1 of which was a shooter but he was in some thick stuff and didn't see him long. Also had 2 does come through bout 20mins ago. So yes they were moving here in the rain.
Killed several in the light rain or misting. Killed a few in somewhat moderate rain. I have seen some decent bucks in heavy rain, but never squeezed the trigger on one in heavy rain. Yes, they absolutely will move in the rain, I think they actually like moving on those dim gray days where there is a light drizzle or mist.
Most of the good bucks I've seen were on days with fog, and a light rain. Shot a big buck, and lost the blood trail because it started raining harder.
We've had good luck in rain — my daughter has killed 2 very nice 9 pts from pop-up blind — both on days when it absolutely poured most of the day. I prefer a light drizzle/misting day but that is really just for my comfort. This time of year the deer definitely move and feed in the rain.
Light rain or drizzle that has set in for a couple of days....yes I've seen good deer movement....Heavy rain for hours or all day....I've never experienced good deer just after a heavy pour down stops and the sky clears ...I've seen some good movement.... but I will say that if it's November and I'm not at work or church I'm hunting....rain or shine.