When things are slow, does anyone sit in their deer stands for better views and call occasionally? If you have, how has that worked, and how does it work if you get one close? Do they notice the calling from an elevated position, or do you leave it alone if you have one coming?
I want to add I have done this. Depending on how you measure success, I have had success. No kill, just visuals that I otherwise wouldn't have seen. I have not had any luck calling from a deer stand, but it didn't seem to spook them either. I don't know if it was because of the elevated position or they just weren't in the mood. I've never done this when they are really vocal.
I want to add I have done this. Depending on how you measure success, I have had success. No kill, just visuals that I otherwise wouldn't have seen. I have not had any luck calling from a deer stand, but it didn't seem to spook them either. I don't know if it was because of the elevated position or they just weren't in the mood. I've never done this when they are really vocal.