Depressing Pics

Greg M

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Riverview, FL/ Bluff City, TN
Trail cam pics from the last month and a half are in. Disappointing to say the least. Lots of does, lots of fawns. Supposedly some big deer have been seen by the fam, but I have no proof. Look at these pathetic youngsters:

Shrimp Fork:


Salad Fork:



I wouldn't get to discourage, after all you've had some folks actually see some good bucks, so you know they are around. In my opinion putting trail cams in the right spot can be the same as putting a stand in the right spot. I try to avoid putting cameras in high traffic areas because in my experience you will only get does and young bucks. This certainly isn't always true but just what I have experienced. I would rather have a few pics of good bucks than hundreds of pics of does and young bucks. I have neighbors that only get pics of small bucks so they believe that is all that is around and usually kill those deer when given the chance. I have no problem with that because I know different and I hunt completely different than they do (but I'm not always successful by any means). When they are leaving the woods in the morning, I'm just showing up once Oct 20th or so comes around. I just don't share what I know with them because thats my way of QDM, there is almost always some great bucks in the area but most just can't wrap their minds around that because they don't see them or my favorite reason is they think mature deer only move at night...that one makes me laugh every time. By the way...Best of luck to you!
What would be depressing is if your woods turned into a subdivision like most of my huting spots have turned into over the years...Don't be discouraged :)
Don't get discouraged,I was in the same boat this past saturday,checked my 1 cam on 1 of the pieces of land I hunt and only had 1 small spike and does on cam,that had been out for 3 weeks.I had been getting pics of 2 nice 8pts..Things will get better,as long as you got does you will have bucks come the rut!
I've been working on making our property more attractive to the deer that surround us. Several big food plots, better habitat, better cover. If I owned the land I'd do anything I could to tilt the balance in my favor.
Beekeeper said:
MUP said:
I'd only be discouraged if I didn't have any pics of deer at all. And then not that much b/c I figure they will move thru sooner or later.

Your pics are better than mine, but I ain't discouraged... yet. :)