Diamond bow question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Reaction score
Man looked at a Diamond Infinite Edge yesterday.

When he first picked it up I thought it was a kids bow.
Got to looking and it was a 70# pull :eek:

He shot it a couple times and seems nice.

Believe it was $349 and came with sights, quiver, arrow rest and D loop.
All he would have to get would be arrows, broadheads and a new release... his died. :D

Anyone know anything about these bows?
It is made so it can be set up for anybody. It is adjustable from 5-70 lbs. of draw weight, and 13"-30" draw length. Good shooting little bow. Compact, light, ibo is 316 fps (I believe). Just bought one for my wife and she loves it. I enjoy shooting it myself.
I bought a Diamond a few years ago when I upgraded from my Nova. It was probably similar, as the guy told me when I shot it that it was really designed for younger shooters and women, but I really liked it (super smooth and dead in hand)and felt like it was the best buy dollar for dollar. Used to take it to work with me and practice with it. Came out to my truck one day and it was gone, taken out of the back seat. They left my pistol and $200 cash in the console, as well as an Ipod and other electronics laying in the floorboard...
Thanks everyone.

Him and his grand dad are working out a deal on him making some money for it. :D

We got less than a month till bow season opens in KY so I dunno if he will make it by then or not.

He can always use mine as it looks like I may be offically retired from bowhunting. :(

Crossgun looks like my only option. :(
RUGER said:
He can always use mine as it looks like I may be offically retired from bowhunting. :(

Crossgun looks like my only option. :(

No shame in a crossbow! If I only had one arm, I would have my wife chocolate chip cookie the Xbow before I left every morning. It would be hard to get me away from bow season. Now... if only we can get them rifle hunters to give up a little of their season... why do they need so long to kill a deer with a rifle? ;)
Best thing on the market right now for kids. My five year has had one for months and my buddy just one for his five year old daughter. They will do exactly what they say they will do.