DIY Pattern Target Board

Tennessee Lead

Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
Putnam County, TN
Done some thinking and Googling a couple days ago and found a great idea with pictures for a patterning set up.

I used 1/2" PVC waterline Two-10' joints
Two-90 degree elbows
Four -Tee's
And Four-Caps(optional) for the end of the feet

I cut the side pieces at 4'
Cut the cross pieces at 45"
Cut Two pieces at 3" to connect the frame to the feet.
Finally I cut the remaining pieces in half for the feet
Now you're ready for assembly
I didn't use any glue so I can take apart for transportation.
The 90's go on top and the Tee's connect the bottom of the frame and the feet.
I bought a 35"X160' roll of Contractor paper at Lowe's
I slid the roll on the bottom cross bar.
I've got to get some heavier clamps to use to hold the paper to the top.
Just used clothes pins for purpose of picture.
I laid a dowel rod on the roll to hold tension. I'll work on a better idea for that.
I still need to cut a board to lay in front of the paper roll to catch any stray pellets.
I'll tape a turkey target in the center and fire away.
So far I'm at $25 in material.


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Nice. You can also make the same shape only smaller and with a little bigger pile and it makes a great stand to hold an archery bag target.

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Good deal on the frame! With the proper pvc fittings, they aren't a lot of trouble.

My son had one of the frame/net deals that he threw into to practice baseball. I think we picked it up at a yard sale. Anyway, it has set outside, and is well past its usable life. I've started to haul it off to the dump a couple of times.

Anyway, I used it Thursday to sight in two turkey guns. It was the perfect height, and with a piece of cardboard taped on, it was easy to attach some paper and targets to sight on. It was pretty windy, but the deal was totally stable, unlike some other debacles where I've tried to use a box to shoot into. So, if you have one sitting around in the weeds, you may want to re-purpose it for a great target stand.
scn":2qfimogj said:
Good deal on the frame! With the proper pvc fittings, they aren't a lot of trouble.

My son had one of the frame/net deals that he threw into to practice baseball. I think we picked it up at a yard sale. Anyway, it has set outside, and is well past its usable life. I've started to haul it off to the dump a couple of times.

Anyway, I used it Thursday to sight in two turkey guns. It was the perfect height, and with a piece of cardboard taped on, it was easy to attach some paper and targets to sight on. It was pretty windy, but the deal was totally stable, unlike some other debacles where I've tried to use a box to shoot into. So, if you have one sitting around in the weeds, you may want to re-purpose it for a great target stand.
That's hilarious Steve.
I done the exact same thing Thursday evening with one that's set in the weeds for 2 years. I've meant to haul it off several times and I used it Thursday.
That and running out of cardboard is what gave me the idea to google pvc shotgun pattern boards lol!!!

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One of those For Sale by Owner signs works great too. I bought one almost 16 years ago when selling the first house. It sits out in my barn and just put the target on it and shove it in the ground. If the actual for sale sign dies you can use a piece of corrugated plastic to replace it. Works like a charm.