Do you ever wonder.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
How many people are out in the woods bow hunting that really have no clue what they are doing. I was just looking through the archery talk classifieds and I saw a left hand switchback. It the description the guy said it had been shot a hand full of times and was ready to hunt. So that would mean the bow was tuned and sighted in in a few shots and he never practiced with it or there was no tuning and not much sighting in and no practice with it. If that's ready to hunt I don't know what you would call mine.
I used to do a mental "Bubba" count at the shop. There have even been a few that I asked where they were hunting. I only wanted to know so I would be nowhere near them.
Scary isn't it. I used to hate going to the or the public range or into work at the shops I have worked in the couple of weeks before the season. But, you know some will never learn. Some with have a fire lit in them and become some of the best bowhunters among us. It all depends on the experience they have.
Hoss,i know you have heard the old saying around the shop.

"It aint safe to be in the woods on opening day."

Had one come in the shop the evening before opening day.

"I need an arrow.Going huntin in the morning."

"Yes sir.What size you need"

"Bout this long" Index fingers about 3 feet apart.

Or the gun hunter.

"Need 7mm ammo."

"Yes sir.You want 7mm Remington,7mm Weatherby,7mm Express,7mmX57 etc,"

"Just give me some 7mm.There all the same."

Or the guy with his pawn shop bow,arrows case, release.Wanted me to set it up for him.
I open the case and yes a nice used PSE.I look it over and then ask him the $300 question.

"You are left handed aren't you?"

He didnt say a word just packed it up and left.

Now you know.

"It aint safe to be in the woods on opening day."
Mr.Bro that is funny!

My buddy that has bowhunted for several years. Prob. 7-8 years with the same bow.

I never paid any attention to his bow, he is left handed. Well I bought a new bow and handed it to him one day last year. He said to me,"Shane aren't you right handed?" Yeah why you ask.. He says to me, this is a left handed bow. See the sights are on the left side of the bow. It's a left handed bow!!

I said.. bring me your bow. The info sticker on the bottom of the bow said.. 60-70lbs. RH as in a Right handed bow for a left handed shooter. The poor boy shot that bow for 8 years before he found out otherwise. :D He still didn't agree with me.
Now is about the time of year for the "i think I want to try bowhunting this year" guys to start to hit the practice ranges. Always good for a laugh. When I see them I try to help best I can but most of these guys somehow know everything already.