Do you peel your beards, or cut them off?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2013
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Cleveland & Bedford CO
Everyone I know cuts a hunk of skin off with the beards, I figured out by accident years ago that the beard will peel off perfectly clean without the use of a knife. Anyone else do this?
catman529 said:
I cut them off and trim the excess skin and dip them in borax and let them dry

x2. I have seen the white waxy stuff that holds them together deteriorate over time, especially in hot conditions. Then they just become of bundle of beard hairs with no connector. I figure the small piece of dried skin at the top may help to hold them together over time.
I just pull them from breast and let dry.After dry I go over them with glue real good at the base and let them dry.After dryy I put them in a display holder
You guys keep and display all those beards? That would be one heck of a big display case LoL I've got beards from 24+ years laying everywhere. I had 1 turkey mounted and they lost my 12 1/2" beard. I suppose he still has the mount too. :mad: as I told him to shove it.
Cut the beard and legs off. Put them on the dash of my little Toyota truck for all season. After season put them in a box in the closet. Take them out every once and a while and look at them.

My biggest ones are always on display somewhere.
woodsman87 said:
Cut the beard and legs off. Put them on the dash of my little Toyota truck for all season. After season put them in a box in the closet. Take them out every once and a while and look at them.

My biggest ones are always on display somewhere.

How do you see to drive??? lol