Does anone else do this??


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Decherd, TN
Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange. Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange. Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange. Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange. Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange. Load your turkey vest up, then take everything back out of it to re-arrange.

I'm ready to take the dang thing out of the closet, get my gun out of the safe, put on some camo, and go to the woods to use all this crap I keep looking at every night!!!! :D
not yet but i bet i have cleaned my gun 4x in the past 2 weeks lol

about 2 days out i start on the ol vest cycle. i have to pull everything i own out and make sure everything works atleast 3 or 4 times hahah
WMAn said:
Leave the vest at home. Just a bunch of gear that adds unecessary weight and rarely gets used.

:D I made a similar comment the other day. Something to the nature of "I carry 2 slate calls, 2 mouth calls, 4 locator calls, and a box of shells. I use 1 of the slate calls and carry the other stuff for exercise".
TNhunter said:
The favorite part of my vest - the seat cushion attached and the high density foam I have in the back of it. Makes sitting against a tree sooooo much more comfortable.

Too funny
that was me at one time
now I only take what I know I will use
I have really cut back on stuff
and everything its own special place in my vest
Ive been using a vest for 5 yrs now and I know where each and every piece of gear is. I dont overload myself down with stuff I dont use.
My vest is old, dirty, ripped, faded and just plain wore out. But has the thickest seat cushion I have ever seen on a vest. Don't think they make em like mine anymore. It has all of two pockets on it one of which is completely useless. I did buy a new vest a few years ago and hated it(suppose to be the cadilac of vests). Well let me tell ya, that thing has pockets for everything everywhere. If I were to put something in every pocket I would never get anything done cause I would be searching for crap all day. I'll dig out my old vest in a few days and see if my two calls made it back home with me last time we where out.