Does someone make....


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
NE Tennessee
An adaptor where I can place a halosight on the rib of an 870 barrel?

My receiver isnt drilled or tapped, and I would like to have the halosight more forward on this particular gun.
Not that I am aware of but they do Make receiver mounts that do not require you to drill and tab the gun. I forget the name at the moment but I'll reply back when I think of it
Yup Bsquare is what I was thinking of. I looked into them for my stoeger but ended up just tapping it for the cost. The one that would fit mine would hold any scope style that used a weaver mount.
I have a B Square on an 870 and an 1100 12 guage...

Curious is a machine shop could make a short rail to mount on the rib with a couple set screws on the side of the mount?
Think I may have to run that by some friends at a local machine shop. :)

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