I can promise you there are many, many more. I don't know how close we are but I hunt the same area you described, so I'm speaking from experience. The pigs in the part of hatchie bottom that I hunt, seem almost migratory moving with the changing of the seasons. When they first arrived about 15 yrs ago, I would see them all deer season, then it got to where I'd only see them up until ML, but now I don't start seeing them until mid-late December on the same 200-300 acres. It's not uncommon to see a group of up to 30 together. And like easy45 said, kill every one that you see. They have wreaked havoc on the turkey and rabbit population in my part of the bottom, and I don't think it is too far fetched to say that they've even had an impact on the deer as well, whether it be killing fawns or bumping deer out of their "home range".