Done in TN


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
Started the morning with a buncha birds gobbling across the property line. About half of em were gobbling really good. When they flew down they all either drifted away or shut up. While trying to change one of their minds, something else answered my yelps, a big male coyote. He came trotting down the ridge straight to me and took a face full at 15 yards.


After trying to fool with those birds a while longer, I left and went to prospecting.

Hit a couple spots and hunted till 12 or 1 pm. I had been sitting in one spot for about half an hour with no gobbles or anything. Got up to head back to the boat and found 2 morels. I thought what the heck, and hit my call 1 more time. Bird gobbled immediately, further down the ridge I was just sitting on. So I ran back to where I had been sitting and found a good setup, and the bird was strutting at 25 yards within 5 minutes.




Almost didn't make it home, trailer tongue rotted from the inside and almost split in two.



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Congrats! Quick season.
I'm glad you made it home looks like your one good bump from a really as day!

See you in a tree, Ricky
Tree Saddle Hunters_R_US on Tapatalk
Congrats on a great season.

Were you driving when you noticed the issue with the tongue?

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Congrats! That was almost a disaster with the trailer. Glad you didn't get hurt or destroy your boat.

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That's not the way to end with a bang Cat lol... glad you made it home safe and congrats on a great season
PalsPal":1j8h6tu1 said:
Congrats on a great season.

Were you driving when you noticed the issue with the tongue?

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honestly I knew it was gonna happen at some point. I saw a small fracture before I left home yesterday. It looked ok when I got to the lake. When I loaded up the boat today, I took all the heavy stuff out of the front of the boat to make the tongue weight much lighter. But I hit enough bumps I saw it start to sag in the rear view so I pulled over and strapped the splint to it and kept a close eye the rest of the way home.

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Gravey":hoc5wg4k said:
Heckuva of a day and season. That stinks about the trailer but that is some serious redneck engineering to limp it home. :tu:
lol I'm just glad I brought that pipe with me because I knew there was a chance the trailer would try to split in two before I got home

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Will there be a video of the trailer rigging also?

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Dang tagged out in less than 2 weeks?! Awesome. I've been watching your 2020 turkey videos and then going back to watch your 2019 ones while I wait for a new one to come out. One thing I've noticed is that it seems like your using that boat a lot more this season to get away from pressure. I gotta get me one of them! With an intact tongue of course! Good luck in the fix. And thx for those videos sir!
Congrats Catman. Your Stick to it all day if necessary attitude, inspires us all. Killing a gobbler at noon after being in the woods all day is typical for you while most of us are back home by 9:30. Sometime, give us a video on how you do it.
catman529":rptm8aen said:
Gravey":rptm8aen said:
Heckuva of a day and season. That stinks about the trailer but that is some serious redneck engineering to limp it home. :tu:
lol I'm just glad I brought that pipe with me because I knew there was a chance the trailer would try to split in two before I got home

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You are way braver than I am! If I thought it would break enough to pack a emergency kit, I would have been way to nervous to try it.

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Congrats on getting a limit of Tennessee birds and a great big thumbs up on getting that coyote. I wish Tennessee would put a bounty on them.
Glad you made it home with that trailer tongue in that shape.