Well-Known Member
Well I ended my TN season this morning, sad, but happy as well. 6 days of hunting here (2 at Chuck Swan), and 5 public land birds marched down the gun barrel where I relieved them of their stress.
Flash hunt this morning, with me thinking this bird was a jake, by his half hearted gobbles. Come to find he was anything but a jake, rather a 1.25" spur carrying limbhanger. Guess he had been whipped into submission, and now won't have to worry anymore. Time to take buddies so they can have some fun. 20 lbs, 11 inch beard, 1.25 inch spurs. Good bird anywhere.
Flash hunt this morning, with me thinking this bird was a jake, by his half hearted gobbles. Come to find he was anything but a jake, rather a 1.25" spur carrying limbhanger. Guess he had been whipped into submission, and now won't have to worry anymore. Time to take buddies so they can have some fun. 20 lbs, 11 inch beard, 1.25 inch spurs. Good bird anywhere.