Don't eat and talk on the phone while hunting


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I went home after work today, grabbed a pop tart, my gear, and headed out the door to get my bowhunting fix. Today looked like a great day to be in the woods, so I was confident. I was settled in for about an hour when I decided I needed to eat that pop tart so I wouldn't pass out climbing down the tree later. While eating Secret Squirrel called. I was trying to whisper on the phone with a mouth full of pop tart when all of a sudden a nice doe came walking right up to my stand. I had enough time to say "Here's a deer" then I hung up. My heart automatically jumped to the 130s and the shakes set in within 10 seconds. I was fumbling trying to put my phone up, remove the fanny pack I had sitting on my lap while I was eating and stand up to get ready. I think I dropped the pop tart. I was a wreck by this point and the doe got to within 12 yards then looked up. I was a shaking, busted mess. She hissed and tramped off. She had a fawn in tow that I didn't realize. They circled the area for a bit then hissed again and they were gone. If I had just waited on that pop tart I might of had another pic tonight. I'm kinda glad that I didn't take this doe since she had her fawn. Note to self; don't eat and talk on the phone, cause you'll never know when they'll come in!
man thats hilarious. sunday morning virtually the same thing happened to me. it had been a little on the slow side for me sunday morning and i pulled out some trail mix for a little breakfast around 7:45. about a handful into the trailmix i get a text from my girlfriend asking if i had seen anything. i replied i had not and was expecting to recieve a text back shortly. no sooner had i sent that text i looked over and seen one slip by me in the woods. i knew the deer was heading right for me, but i would not be able to see it till i had a shot pretty much. so i sit the trail mix down. at this point the deer is coming up on me bout 35 yards and moving. i pick up the bow. my girlfriend texts back at around 25 yards and i hit the ignore button to cut of the vibrate function and laid the phone down. deer is 20 yards broadside and i grunted deer stopped and that was pretty much my first one of the year. i called her back and she couldnt believe i had shot one as we were texting.
Not to hijack UT's thread but this past Sunday morning I was sitting one of our double stands. It was close to 9 and I had been there since about 5:50. My legs were killing me so I propped one up on the shooting rail of the stand. Sure enough about 45 seconds later three does walked in front of me. When I moved my leg they busted me. We stared at each other for about 30 seconds and one of them blew and they all took off. Funny thing was about 5 minutes before I proped my leg up I was standing up stretching. If I had just waited a few minutes I could have possibly got a shot.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda!
Lesson learned... and you'll never forget it.

I eat in the stand, but always try to just get a mouthful out at a time. That way you are always ready.

Sure glad to hear you are on the deer this year!
That's funny. I slipped out of work one day and got a call on stand. Deer came by, I just sat the phone down, shot the deer and got back on like "Ok where were we?"

You never know when they're going to show up, and it's usually not when you expect it.

That's part of the fun!
Radar said:
Forget the phone and enjoy the hunt . ;)

Agreed, but I would phrase it as stay off the phone. Carry it in your pocket in a manner such that you can get to it easily...even if you're hanging in your harness.

I always carry my cell in the woods. The cargo pockets on my pants or chest pocket on my jacket are ideal spots to tuck it away within easy reach. With GPS on it the authorities can find you easier in an emergency.
UTGrad said:
I went home after work today, grabbed a pop tart, my gear, and headed out the door to get my bowhunting fix. Today looked like a great day to be in the woods, so I was confident. I was settled in for about an hour when I decided I needed to eat that pop tart so I wouldn't pass out climbing down the tree later. While eating Secret Squirrel called. I was trying to whisper on the phone with a mouth full of pop tart when all of a sudden a nice doe came walking right up to my stand. I had enough time to say "Here's a deer" then I hung up. My heart automatically jumped to the 130s and the shakes set in within 10 seconds. I was fumbling trying to put my phone up, remove the fanny pack I had sitting on my lap while I was eating and stand up to get ready. I think I dropped the pop tart. I was a wreck by this point and the doe got to within 12 yards then looked up. I was a shaking, busted mess. She hissed and tramped off. She had a fawn in tow that I didn't realize. They circled the area for a bit then hissed again and they were gone. If I had just waited on that pop tart I might of had another pic tonight. I'm kinda glad that I didn't take this doe since she had her fawn. Note to self; don't eat and talk on the phone, cause you'll never know when they'll come in!
Now that is real life Bowhunting! :D
Secret Squirrel said:
It's tough with technology not to check the cell phone. I only get one vibration for a text. Sorry dude, I didn't know you were up a tree. Next time eat your kids Pop Tarts in the car. I never eat in the tree. I will drink H2O and will take a leak but that's about it. Try not to fart either. UTGrad-Just busting your chops.

Sorry I forgot something. I will check football scores on my Blackberry while in the stand or play brickbreakers. Still no food.

Funny story - thanks for sharing! Now that I think about it, EVERY time I have had a shot at a deer either with a rifle or a bow, I was eating and had to put my food down. I consider a ziplock bag of dried fruit my good luck charm. :grin:
Have you had it happen yet that you lower your bow to the ground just as a deer comes by?

It will.

Once I was halfway down my steps, with the bow on the ground, when I deer came my way. My bottom foot was only about 8 feet off the ground, and the doe walked right up and stopped below me. I could have spit on her! My steps were about 20" apart, and my "top" leg started to ach...then to quiver...then to shake in absolute pain. It was like in basketball practice when Coach makes you squat with your back to the gym wall, and the first guy to drop had to run two extra laps.

Finally I gave up and let my leg off the step, scaring away the doe.
jakeway said:
Have you had it happen yet that you lower your bow to the ground just as a deer comes by?

It will.

Once I was halfway down my steps, with the bow on the ground, when I deer came my way. My bottom foot was only about 8 feet off the ground, and the doe walked right up and stopped below me. I could have spit on her! My steps were about 20" apart, and my "top" leg started to ach...then to quiver...then to shake in absolute pain. It was like in basketball practice when Coach makes you squat with your back to the gym wall, and the first guy to drop had to run two extra laps.

Finally I gave up and let my leg off the step, scaring away the doe.

I was taking the strap off my bow on the ground next to my tree last Sunday when a buck chased 3 does past my stand . I could have shot any of them as they didn't even see me .