I had a favorite turkey call (slate) that I absolutely LOVED.
Right before turkey season I went to get it out of my vest and it was gone. :shock:
Searched every pocket in my vest and turned the house upside down, twice.
Finally in dismay I bought another one.
Same call, same maker etc.
It wasn't "the one" though.
Sanded on it and the striker and finally got it close to where ole faithful had been.
Automatically, without even thinking, my hand and arm went to unzip and store it in the only pocket it ever goes in. The ONLY thing that goes in that one pocket, ever.
Now I keep the new one in a different pocket.
Maybe you will find your striker too.
Right before turkey season I went to get it out of my vest and it was gone. :shock:
Searched every pocket in my vest and turned the house upside down, twice.
Finally in dismay I bought another one.
Same call, same maker etc.
It wasn't "the one" though.
Sanded on it and the striker and finally got it close to where ole faithful had been.
Automatically, without even thinking, my hand and arm went to unzip and store it in the only pocket it ever goes in. The ONLY thing that goes in that one pocket, ever.
Now I keep the new one in a different pocket.
Maybe you will find your striker too.