Doubled up in Indiana

Roost 1

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
Reaction score
Anywher and everywhere
Whiskey and I had a great hunt in Monroe Co, IN today. Weather wasn't the best, barely above 40 degrees with 25mph wind... But we laid in there all day after seeing a big group with 5 strutters this morning. Had a couple birds answer our calls thru out the day and heard a couple free gobbles so we knew they were around.. About 3:00 we saw a gobbler working down a tree line to lower part of field, didn't see his hen at first.. Made a few calls and finally the hen responded, got very vocal and ended up coming right to us.. Well the gobbler didn't seem like he wanted to follow and went further down into the woods and gobbled and strutted. I started calling just a little and eventually he seemed interested and slowly made his way to was over shortly after...
We then decided to move to another location where the farmer said he had been seeing birds in the evenings... On the way to the truck walking down an old logging road we spotted the 5 strutters and hens from this morning.... After some fancy maneuvering on Whiskey's part, he was able to punch his tag as well..
It was a great day in some very beautiful country...Great times!!!
We had a great hunt. I was scared I was going to starve out in the blind, but I barely survived. If you ever go hunting with Roost1, pack lunch and don't leave it in the truck. :)