So every year, there is some talk about dove fields and planting sunflowers...Chaneylake has that market cornered with great results most every year. I thank him for being so responsive to questions and open with his approach each season.
To take this topic and turn it slightly...what other crops would you suggest for possibly planting as a primary dove field and the prep involved?
As an example, sunflowers are king IMO for dove hunting and a recommended crop by TWRA in their videos. Challenges are with equipment and cost...lots of spraying, best to plant in rows, timing is crucial to have mature seeds by hunt dates.
Simple field, break up ground, spread wheat as an agricultural practice...simple, can be more cost effective. Challenges are in timing and broadcast rates to avoid baiting, confusion amongst hunting party as to legality.
What would be something in the middle? What say about brown top millet grown to maturity and bush hogged? Effective? What equipment is needed?
Any other options? I have access to tractor, disk, hare, potentially a small sprayer, three point broadcast spreader.
To take this topic and turn it slightly...what other crops would you suggest for possibly planting as a primary dove field and the prep involved?
As an example, sunflowers are king IMO for dove hunting and a recommended crop by TWRA in their videos. Challenges are with equipment and cost...lots of spraying, best to plant in rows, timing is crucial to have mature seeds by hunt dates.
Simple field, break up ground, spread wheat as an agricultural practice...simple, can be more cost effective. Challenges are in timing and broadcast rates to avoid baiting, confusion amongst hunting party as to legality.
What would be something in the middle? What say about brown top millet grown to maturity and bush hogged? Effective? What equipment is needed?
Any other options? I have access to tractor, disk, hare, potentially a small sprayer, three point broadcast spreader.