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Draw weight


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2010
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Ok guys 99% sure I am going to order a samick sage recurve at the end of the month. I shoot 60 to 65 pounds on compound just as note . I have never shot a recurve so I am taking y'all's advice and starting out lite . But how lite should I go ? I can order 25 30 35 40 45 all the way up to 60 lb. limbs . Once I get good enough to hunt with it ( if I do ) I will buy a extra set of limbs for it if need be . I know draw length effects draw weight . I am not sure of my dl on a recurve but the bow shop measured me 30.5 on a compound and I shoot a 30" cam . I am taking in consideration that I might be pulling past 28" by a inch maybe two .
if you was closer I would said hop in your truck and come up here and try my bows out to see what poundage you want to start at. and you are welcomed to do so. I just know it will be a couple of hours drive.
first I don't know your physical strength but judging by your 65# compound you are in good shape. with that being said, a 50# bow, trad or compound, will kill anything in TN IF you do your job and put the arrow where it counts. 40# will do it too. the biggest mistake for most people is they overbow themselves so starting light and working your way up is smart thing to do. I think you should start out with 40-45#. keep in mind, there is NO LETOFF.
keep in mind, as a general rule, every inch past the draw weigh mark add 3# to the draw weight. ex: 40#@28" drawn to 29" will be 43# approx. I have a bow that is marked 41.5#@28" so when I draw to my 27-1/2 draw i'm pulling close to 50#.
light bows are a pleasure and fun to shoot. but it don't take long, unless you have joint problems, to want to go heavier.
I started off with a 60# then moved to a 75# then the next thing I know my shoulder hurts and I found out I shoot better at 50# and enjoy it more.
so I am suggesting 40-45#
Starting out in the new world of trad archery you will appreciate a 40lb recurve to learn on.
you will not tire as quickly and you will be able focus on your form until you get it right.

Remember the secret to good shooting with a trad bow of any type is form...form...form
this means lots of careful practice and a lighter bow will let you do this and will still kill a whitetail if you place the arrow in the right spot ;)

also 60" or longer in length out to about 66" skip the shorty's they are trouble with a capital T maybe a 56 but 60 to 62 will be more forgiving .

Thanks for all the good advice guys . Y'all are truly helping me out . I am trying not to jump in water over my head here as I know nothing about traditional archery . So I think my mind is set on a "40lb samick sage recurve ". I hope to have it by the first of October . But it could be as late as Christmas depending on cash flow . Either way I hope to be capable of hunting with it by next fall .
Welcome to the world of traditional. Like the others said starting light and working up is the best thing to do. In the world of traditional bows with no let off a couple of pounds may not seem like much but it is. Oh and I hope your ready cause you fixing to be a junkie. Good luck and enjoy the hours of pure fun ahead.
Sounds like everybody has the weight and form issues covered, but something else I would offer, you will want to shoot and shoot and shoot till you are exhausted cause this stuff is fun. When you settle on a method of aiming stick with it and hammer it home. What I mean is don't swap shooting styles till you've really given a method a chance. After you've developed consistency, I would rather shoot a select few arrows a day with great form than fling hundreds while you are tired. Hope I didn't ramble and that some of that makes sense!!
Welcome to the trad tribe, if you like it you'll love it, takes some time to adjust & get your acuracy together so give it a while, once you get the hang of it you'll understand wher were come'n from.

All advice above is spot on, keep us posted.
Also since you are in Alabama check out the ASTB = Alabama society of traditional bowmen they have several events every year some scored some just for fun at Brierfield Historic State Park & Tannehill Park in Al.

the great thing about Trad archery is when hunting season ends we just keep going with 3D events at least 1 a month that is a major event with a camp out , good eats and better lies around the fire.

Trad archery may be what you shoot to start with but it can become who you are :)


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