Early morning vs. 10-3pm... My plan for 4/2/11


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
I see the vast majority of people here with experience saying they are by far most successful around 10am thru 3pm and not so often early morning.

Well I will be there as long as I can on opening day, probably till 3pm at the latest.

Will get there before sunrise, as early as legally possible, and head to the spot where I know they should be roosting based on what I found while scouting. Since everyone seems to be most successful later in the morning, I won't be let down if I fail to get one in range after flydown. I'll just stick it out as long as needed...

What I'm hoping to get out of opening morning are...

-None or almost no other hunters raiding the spot I chose (it's a WMA so I don't get my hopes up).
-If there are other hunters there, I hope they head back for lunch. Still won't get my hopes up, I know there are die hards out there.
-Hopefully any other hunters won't mess up my hunt and I won't mess up theirs.
-I will see some birds at least.

Are these reasonable expectations/hopes for april 2? I don't expect to kill one on opening morning yet I will do my best, lie low, still, quiet, call little, look and listen and stay on the land as long as I can. I am hoping, but don't expect, to get my first bird in range on opening morning.

After months of researching, going out in the field, learning from videos and articles, and especially from all the advice learned here on Tndeer, I think I finally got a decent plan in my head for opening morning. Thanks all who have offered advice and other things such as a place to pattern the gun, trade for some calls, and a good turkey choke. I appreciate it a lot. Getting real pumped for opening morning, and look forward to seeing what comes out of this weekend's juvi hunt.

Any of the experienced ones here got any last bits of advice for me? I'll owe it to you all when I use the advice to kill my first.
Thanks. I wouldn't want to call to the same bird as another hunter unless the bird was clearly coming my way and I knew where the other hunter was. Wouldn't want to get shot or anything...

I know of a couple other areas to run to as backup, some are scouted and some not, I tend to go with the flow so I can come up with a plan B if necessary. I can't really say much about this location I have picked out, other than it's not one of the huge popular areas such as Cheeks Bend or the one west of I-65.
Just be careful man more accident happen in the turkey woods than the deer woods. Number one thing to remember make sure your back is against something wider than your body. Number two if you see another hunter make sure you let them know your there dont matter if your working a gobbler or not. Number three do not aproach hen sounds no matter how sure you are that its the real thing. And remember to have fun if you still are struggling a couple weeks into the season get in contact with me and if i got a open spot i will see if i can help ya get a bird. And dont forget ppl can and will use the river to access places where you think your the only one around.
Thanks TNTomtaker. I have read that stalking hen calls is how people have been shot. Even one of my biology professors told me of how a buddy got shot twice because a novice hunter decided to break away from the group, and shot at movement in the bushes which happened to be one of his buddies. Stupid people out there... if I see another hunter I'll definitely make it known that I am there and I'm not a bird. Also no decoys or anything. Just me, my gun, some shells, a couple of calls, binocs, maybe some T.P. and water if I can fit into cargo pockets.
Be sure if/when you have to let another hunter know you are there, DO NOT WAVE YOUR HANDS..... just talk in a loud, clear voice and let them know you are there.
sounds good brother good luck to you! just be sure to have a plan B and a plan C in place. heck i always do and hunt on land i have all to myself so in the public world you may even want a plan D just to be sure.
Grizzly Johnson said:
Be sure if/when you have to let another hunter know you are there, DO NOT WAVE YOUR HANDS..... just talk in a loud, clear voice and let them know you are there.

Darn, I was going to wave my hands rapidly while making cackling noises to be sure they knew I was there.........

:D But thanks for the advice.
catman529 said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
Be sure if/when you have to let another hunter know you are there, DO NOT WAVE YOUR HANDS..... just talk in a loud, clear voice and let them know you are there.

Darn, I was going to wave my hands rapidly while making cackling noises to be sure they knew I was there.........

:D But thanks for the advice.

Well you know, some of those hunting accidents are caused by hunters shooting at sudden movements..... sorry man wasn't implying anything.... :grin:
yup I wouldn't wave, makes perfect sense, as much as I'd hate to yell out while turkey hunting, it wouldn't be worth risking getting shot by a fool.
Not since the 20 yard Win. Supreme pattern with Burd. Maybe this weekend, have to play it by ear. If not this weekend then I might just have to take it out on opening morning as is. At least I got some feel for it.
I'd rather forget my shells than my tp. Since I shoot a crossbow, not a shotgun, if I go at all this year, I won't have to worry about shells. :)
Sounds like a good plan. I was planning on being there opening morning also but I'm traveling back from CA that day...I may make it up there on Sunday morning.

The first bird I killed up at Yanahli was on opening day at 1:30pm in a small field right off one of the main roads. Got there at 1pm, set up on the edge of the field, called a couple of times and 4 birds gobbled. 2 birds ended up coming out into the field to play the game and strutted all the way to my gun barrel. Shot the biggest gobbler and was heading back home by 1:35pm. Now, this is not the norm...I was just in the right place at the right time. However, if you hunt all day, your odds of being in the right place at the right time like I was goes up significantly vs just hunting dawn till 8 or 9am.
Catman...your enthusiam is great but let me give you some advice that will carry you along way on public land or private but especially public. "Opening day does not a season make." I see so many people get discouraged on opening day of turkey season. Don't let it mess up your enthusiam if nothing goes as you planned. The best part of turkey season is still to come! Keep this same game plan you have for the middle of the season during the middle of the week and I guarantee you success.
I personally hope it rains 10 inches every opening weekend just to get rid of the hunters who don't have the love and respect of the sport that you obviously do.
RF270 said:
Catman...your enthusiam is great but let me give you some advice that will carry you along way on public land or private but especially public. "Opening day does not a season make." I see so many people get discouraged on opening day of turkey season. Don't let it mess up your enthusiam if nothing goes as you planned. The best part of turkey season is still to come! Keep this same game plan you have for the middle of the season during the middle of the week and I guarantee you success.
I personally hope it rains 10 inches every opening weekend just to get rid of the hunters who don't have the love and respect of the sport that you obviously do.

Thank you for the advice. I definitely won't be too let down if I don't score on opening day. It's only one out of over 40 days in the season.. and I hear the second and third weeks tend to be the best.