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Early Shed


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2020
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On a back road on the way hunting, a buck jumped in front of me at close range and I barely got stopped and observed he had already shed one antler. Seems awful early. My observations have been mid February to early March. What is your early observation?
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A buck at the processor (Decatur County) yesterday had lost both antlers. The hunter said one fell off when the he shot the deer and the other fell off when the deer hit the ground. He picked up both sheds and plans to reattach for a Euro mount.

Wonder how he filled in the information when tagging the deer? Antlered or not, number of points; it was antlered at the moment it was shot. These early shed deer can be shot next week during antlerless only.
I've had a few friends that killed nice late season bucks in years that they were physically and nutritionally strained, and they had the antlers pull loose from the buck's heads.

I've seen them shed early before.
Yup. In western Middle TN, I expect to see a lot of early antler shedding this year. I've never seen the deer so stressed as they were in large sections of hardwood habitat.
My friends and I are all getting pics of bucks shedding already. I expected it as well with virtually no acorns and the drought we had.
My friends and I are all getting pics of bucks shedding already. I expected it as well with virtually no acorns and the drought we had.
It's what I expect to see. What worries me most is the long-term effects of the poor conditions. Most of the nutrients bucks need to grow their antlers in summer have to be in their system before antler growth even starts. I expect VERY poor antler growth per age-class next year in the worst drought-affected areas.
It's what I expect to see. What worries me most is the long-term effects of the poor conditions. Most of the nutrients bucks need to grow their antlers in summer have to be in their system before antler growth even starts. I expect VERY poor antler growth per age-class next year in the worst drought-affected areas.
We are going from one extreme to another in a year's time.
I've got 3 already shredded early on cameras in Hickman County. Not surprised at all after the weather stretch we had add the to the drought. I except to see more
I was trying to get to a shooting box around 2:00 and there was a half racked buck in the plot. Had he had a matching side would've been a pretty 8-pt that might've got shot. Oh well maybe he'll make it through the weekend and be bigger next year.
It is very common in Knox county where I use to live to see the deer shed by the 1st of the year... almost every year.