elite archery hunter question


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2011
Reaction score
Murfreesboro TN
So I need some help I bought the bow from my buddy yesterday and he wasnt real sure on yardages so I went to sight it in today but at every yardage even 10 it shoots extremely low. What would be causing this?
Could be as easy as the sites haven't set correctly. Possible the bow got bumped after it was sited in?
Tman7 said:
So I need some help I bought the bow from my buddy yesterday and he wasnt real sure on yardages so I went to sight it in today but at every yardage even 10 it shoots extremely low. What would be causing this?
you will not shoot the same as your buddy . If your anchor is different than his by half an inch , you will be off a long way. Your peep could be way to low . Etc...
Well I guess ill have to take it to a pro shop im in Murfreesboro any suggestions of shops near me that are reasonable?
And has anyone ever shot one of these its really quiet and a good shooter other than being low but couldn't pass up the deal fully rigged with six arrows and hard case for $150
I have shot one . They are sweet shooting bows . Idk how far away Matt is from you . But check out Matt from Energy Wave Bowstrings . Maybe Tndeerguy will chime in and offer up some input.
I saw him on another post I think he is in hermitage witch isnt far from madison and im there quite a bit visiting family ill probably take it to him
I would guess the peep needs moved. Try drawing the bow back and anchoring with your eyes closed, then open your eyes and see if you can see through the peep. That's the first thing I would check. Provided you do know that you and him have the same draw length.
if you are shooting low, move the sight down... if the bow fits comfortably, peep sight seems to be in a good spot, etc, then I would only worry about adjusting the front sight myself. jmo
Did you do as I suggested before. That should remove all doubt as to if your peep is in the right spot. If it is, your arrow rest may need raised up.
I would take the advice above and check the peep height and anchor point�it is extremely rare that are peep height and anchor points are exactly the same between different shooters. Often in a case like this the shooter is compensating by moving to the peep instead of everything being solid�causing point of impact to be off. First thing you need to do is to set your anchor point�draw back and get settled where you have a solid anchor and then have someone slide the kisser button, if it has one, to where your anchor is. After your anchor points are set, then proceed to set the peep. Do as previously suggested�draw back to anchor points with eyes closed and then open eyes and adjust peep sight to where the outer ring of the sight housing is perfectly lined up with the outer ring of the peep aperture. If once you do the above and the problem still exists the next place to look will be a problem with the rest, timing or other issues can cause it as well.
So I tried the above suggestion and the peep doesnt seem far off but I have noticed that on my rip cord rest there are some scuff marks that look like maybe the fletchings are hitting it is this possible and what would cause it?
Not trying to be a bonehead here but,,,,,,, Dude you really need to just take it to a pro shop. I have worked on, set up, tuned, and blown up bows for over a decade and there are about 100 possible reasons for your problem but a good pro shop will most likely pick it out in about 20 minutes. A used bow that has never been set up for you is a nightmare to try to figure out via messages. My advice, which is worth nothing, is to take it to a shop and get it set up for you and odds are during that process they should find any issues.
Tman7 said:
So I tried the above suggestion and the peep doesnt seem far off but I have noticed that on my rip cord rest there are some scuff marks that look like maybe the fletchings are hitting it is this possible and what would cause it?

The timing cord not being pulled far enough....in other words the rest either wasn't timed correctly, or something moved. Get some lipstick and put it on the prongs of the launcher arm and then shoot it. If you're getting contact the lipstick will rub off on the fletchings and/or the shaft.
Haha fordman your right I think thats the route im going all these suggestions are awesome but im tired of digging arrows out of the ground and I dont want to tear the bow up ill prob take it to Matt like suggested since I havent found anyone any closer to Murfreesboro thanks everyone for the input

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