Well-Known Member
I am very thankful that I was able to close out the 2012 Turkey season today (Friday) with a really nice, 1 �� spurred, 11.5� bearded, 18 lbs, 14 oz gobbler. It wasn�t a real classic hunt�I was fortunate enough to have settled in close to him on the roost, then with just a couple calls of encouragement, he pitched my way and it was a done deal in about 30 seconds after he hit the ground.
This was an epic bird for me as it marks bird number 50 in my turkey hunting career. However, as much as I�ve enjoyed taking each and every one of those birds, I�ve enjoyed the camaraderie of my circle of close family/friends that I�ve been fortunate to have shared each and every one of those birds with. I harvested my first one hunting with my brother, Tndeer�s �shopson�, back in 1994 at Chuck Swan WMA, and no doubt I told every detail of the hunt to my long time good friend, Tim (aka on TnDeer as �TW�), then upon arrival at home greeting my then 5 year old son Cory and have him crawl up in my lap while I pose for a picture of my kill. Pretty much the same as with each and every one of these birds, adding in shopson�s son Michael as he grew into our �hunting circle�, today I had the exact same close-knit circle of family/friends to share my hunt with, just as they have all their hunts with me. Within about 5 minutes of the todays kill, I had a text on the way to these named folks saying �BBD!� I was happy to be hunting with Cory this morning, sitting separately though, and then us getting to go meet Michael for breakfast and share our morning hunt. No doubt I�m a blessed man to have maintained this group, and added others over the years.
Me, Tim and shopson have grown older and hopefully wiser, Cory and Michael have matured into two fine young men, both college graduates (congrats Mike on tomorrow's walking across the stage!!!) Thanks guys, it�s been a blast!!!
This was an epic bird for me as it marks bird number 50 in my turkey hunting career. However, as much as I�ve enjoyed taking each and every one of those birds, I�ve enjoyed the camaraderie of my circle of close family/friends that I�ve been fortunate to have shared each and every one of those birds with. I harvested my first one hunting with my brother, Tndeer�s �shopson�, back in 1994 at Chuck Swan WMA, and no doubt I told every detail of the hunt to my long time good friend, Tim (aka on TnDeer as �TW�), then upon arrival at home greeting my then 5 year old son Cory and have him crawl up in my lap while I pose for a picture of my kill. Pretty much the same as with each and every one of these birds, adding in shopson�s son Michael as he grew into our �hunting circle�, today I had the exact same close-knit circle of family/friends to share my hunt with, just as they have all their hunts with me. Within about 5 minutes of the todays kill, I had a text on the way to these named folks saying �BBD!� I was happy to be hunting with Cory this morning, sitting separately though, and then us getting to go meet Michael for breakfast and share our morning hunt. No doubt I�m a blessed man to have maintained this group, and added others over the years.
Me, Tim and shopson have grown older and hopefully wiser, Cory and Michael have matured into two fine young men, both college graduates (congrats Mike on tomorrow's walking across the stage!!!) Thanks guys, it�s been a blast!!!